czwartek, 31 marca 2011
2 ekskluzywne zdjęcia!
To zdjęcie jest z planu do ich reledysku do Pretend
A to włanie nie wiem, skąd... xD
A to włanie nie wiem, skąd... xD
Krótki artykuł o Destinee i Paris z
This week, American Idol eliminates two finalists, but if either caught the ears and eyes of resident mentor Jimmy Iovine during their time on the show, all hope is not lost. You see, Iovine, who's headed Interscope Geffen A&M Records for 20 years, has seen his share of hits and misses -- some acts have prospered under his watch, others were long ago dropped -- but if he senses something truly special about an artist, he sticks with them.
Case in point: American Idol's new double blonde backup singers Destinee and Paris Monroe, whose sweet, down-home harmonies have accented performances by the likes of Paul McDonald (see video below) and Lauren Alaina. Four years ago, they were two out of three members of little-known group the Clique Girlz who arrived from Hollywood from that hotbed of tween talent -- New Jersey -- with big dreams of Bratz-like branding, chart-topping singles and eventual world domination. I know, because I wandered into producer Ron Fair's studio one day when he was bouncing around the control room speaking those very buzz words.
But as most music business stories go, despite high-profile opening slots for the likes of the Jonas Brothers and Backstreet Boys, the Clique Girlz saw a flurry of interest but never a proper U.S. release, and after recording more than 90 songs, according to a 2008 interview, the trio broke up.
Still, Iovine didn't send the girls packing back to Egg Harbor Township. Rather, after including a Destinee and Paris song on the Neptunes-produced Despicable Me soundtrack, he put them on Idol, the biggest stage in the world, where, despite being positioned in the background and only brought out on country-esque tunes, Destinee, 16, and Paris, 15, have shined.
In these days when a hot Twitter second is about all the attention span people have to spare, Iovine has remained committed to these two for years. And although you can see why, it still feels like a rarity and, for that reason, somewhat surprising.
So what's next for Destinee and Paris beyond Idol? According to a hastily written one-sheet from the label, the two have recorded their own album on which they worked with "some of the top-name producers in the business." The release date has yet to be determined.
In the meantime, tune in to Idol tonight to see who the girls back up on Elton John week. Got a song suggestion of your own? Leave it in the comments...
środa, 30 marca 2011
wtorek, 29 marca 2011
poniedziałek, 28 marca 2011
Kolejny cover w wykonaniu Destinee i Paris!
Destinee i Paris wrzuciły kolejne wideo, na ktorym spiewaja cover jednej z ich ulubionych poiosenek! :D
Jak wam się podoba? :)
Jak wam się podoba? :)
niedziela, 27 marca 2011
sobota, 26 marca 2011
D i P śpiewają piosenkę Katy Perry - "E.T."
DP udostepniły kolejne wideo, na którym spiewają swoje covery znanych piosenek ! Tym razem to jest piosenka ET,spiewana oryginalnie przez Katy Perry.
Zrobiłam z tego widea kilka fajnych screenów... :)
A wideo mozecie ogladnac ponizej:
Zrobiłam z tego widea kilka fajnych screenów... :)
A wideo mozecie ogladnac ponizej:
piątek, 25 marca 2011
środa, 23 marca 2011
poniedziałek, 21 marca 2011
niedziela, 20 marca 2011
sobota, 19 marca 2011
czwartek, 17 marca 2011
środa, 16 marca 2011
Krótkie wideo Paris
Paris wstawiła na Tumblr DP króciutkie, około 10-sekundowe wideo, na którym mówi tylko Hey, i właściwie nic wiecej :P Niestety nie ma tam kodu html do tego wideo,dlatego nie moge wstawic wam go tu bezposrednio, ale oglądnijcie go na Tumblr dziewczyn pod linkiem:
wtorek, 15 marca 2011
Zdjęcia Clique Girlz z Japonii
Po katastrofie, która wydarzyła się niedawno w Japonii, Paris i Des napissały wiele wspierajacych wiadomosci na twitterze i tumblr do ich japońskich fanów. Wczoraj wstawiły na Tumblr dużo ich zdjęć z czasow, gdy byla jeszcze z nimi Ariel, właśnie z Japonii. Niestety,Ariel jest wycięta z tych zdjec, sa na nich wiec tylko Des i Paris:
poniedziałek, 14 marca 2011
D i P na Tumblr
Dziewczyny dołączyły do Tumblr! Adres ich bloga to
niedziela, 13 marca 2011
2 nowe fotki z twittera
DP własnie wstawiy na swojego Twittera dwie nowe fotki! :D
nie wydaje wam się, że dziewczyny wyglądają troche...dziwnie? Zwłaszcza Paris? Inaczej,niz zwykle? Ale i tak pięknie!! ;** ;)
nie wydaje wam się, że dziewczyny wyglądają troche...dziwnie? Zwłaszcza Paris? Inaczej,niz zwykle? Ale i tak pięknie!! ;** ;)
środa, 9 marca 2011
Mały update od Destinee i Paris
Des i Paris zamiesciły chwile temu na Twitterze nieco dłuższą wiadomosc, w ktorej informuja swoich fanów o dziejących sie wlasnie newsach... Wyjasniaja miedzy innymi, co robią w American Idolu! Przeczytajcie:
Hey Everybody!
Just wanted to share with you all the exciting things we've been working on. As all of you know, we have been tweeting about being on the American Idol Set... and everybody has been asking about that and what we've been doing there. It was such an honor to be asked by our Record Label Chairman Jimmy, if we would help out some of the contestants with adding some of our signature harmonies to their songs that will be released soon. We also, got to sing the harmonies live on tonight's AMERICAN IDOL show (8pm on FOX) and we had such a blast! We got to meet all the contestants who are so talented and sweet! We really love Lauren, Scottie, and Paul who we had the pleasure to be singing with! So make sure you vote for all three of them tonight! They have an incredible talent and they made it so fun to work with. Not sure if you'll be able to see us on the show as we were just in the background, we think there might be a little clip of us harmonizing with Lauren.
It was so exciting hanging out with all the legendary producers, some who we have known and working with before. It was like a family reunion. But the highlight of the day was finally meeting Ryan Seacrest who is the producer of "The Dance Scene" which you guys know we will be a guest star on, airing sometime in April! Ryan was so nice to us, he saw us on stage rehearsing and ran up to us and we were all like "FINALLY!" Lol! He told us he loved our music and the TV show is going to be a real hit, we are so excited (make sure you guys watch it on E! after Khloe & Lamar) We had such a blast hanging out with Ryan backstage and we totally hit it off, he really loves our mom! It was like we knew him for forever! He's such a great guy, and so nice! Such a BLAST!
Randy has been a friend & fan of ours for years so it was great to see him! We got to see him everyday in the studio while we were recording our album with RedOne (as you probably know who produced JLo's new hit single "On The Floor") Jennifer looked so beautiful!
After rehearsals, Steven Tyler came running up to us and said to his body guard "Excuse me, I have to go meet these blondes" LOL, We are such huge fans of Steven's... it was so cool meeting him we had a musical connection he said we were amazing which was so humbling to us as we have looked up to him for so many years! The most epic part of this entire experience was Steven Tyler asking us if we would sing with him on his soon to be released record.
We are working on a lot of exciting new things and as soon as we can talk about it we'll blog again soon! Please tune in tonight to FOX at 8pm and vote for our Friends Lauren, Scottie, and Paul!
Thank you all so much for your unconditional love & support! You mean the world to us!!!!!! TTYL XOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXO -Destinee & Paris
P.S. here's a pic from the show backstage! -
poniedziałek, 7 marca 2011
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