środa, 28 września 2011

3 zdjęcia z Kijowa na Ukranie!

Wywiad z DP na Stereotude

Sisters and singers, Destinee and Paris are rising to fame, especially with their most recent gig-opening for Britney Spears on her Femme Fatale tour. The girls released a song for the Despicable Me soundtrack: “I'm On A Roll”

And yep, they sure are on a roll. Hollyscoop caught up with the girls to get to know them a little better.

Hollyscoop: What's been the most exciting thing about being on tour?
Destinee & Paris: I really think that just playing in general is the funnest thing for an artist. We love being on a tour bus and going on radio stations in the morning and doing sound check, and all that fun stuff.

HS: That's amazing, so cool. What's one piece of information you can share about Britney that her fans might not know?
D&P: We've actually never met Britney before!

HS: Well, you guys are getting huge lately, who's the person you'd want to collaborate with most?
D&P: I would really love to collaborate with David Bowie. He's amazing. We've always been inspired by him. He's such an incredible artist and he has inspired so many people in this business, just like us.

HS: What is it about him you love?
D&P: He's really just made a name for himself in the music industry and just, like, how creative he is and the different alter egos he's come up with. He's just an amazing brain, you know? And he's really original in the fact that he was able to put together art, music and fashion all in one. It was really something that shocked the population.

HS: Do you guys watch 'Glee'?
D&P: We barely have time to watch Tv. We don't really watch too much TV. When we're on the road, that's when we have time to catch up on shows...But I have seen a couple episodes of Glee, and it's awesome.

HS: How would you feel if they asked to appear on the show?
D&P: We'd love to perform on Glee. It's so amazing what they've been doing lately, because not a lot of TV shows put together singing, acting and dancers in one.

HS: And what's it like working together as sisters?
D&P: Oh my gosh, performing as sisters is really, really fun. We don't really take things so seriously. It's great to have each other because we're always having a blast.

HS: And you can support each other.
D&P: Yes. We grew up performing together and singing together, and I mean, it's basically what we know.

HS: So what are you working on next?
D&P: Right now we're working on the finishing touches on our album. We have to do some stuff with our packaging, pick a name, and do all that fun stuff. Then we'll release a release date.

Źródło:Stereotude [link]

Destinee i Paris - Acces Hollywood

Dziewczyny sa pokazywane tylko przez krótki czas, około 0:40 (zwróccie uwage,ze wideo 'odlicza do tyłu',weic musicie uwaznie patrzyc kiedy bedzie to 0;40 :))

Zdjęcia z Moskwy i nowe filmy z koncertów w Rosji

Pojawiły się 2 nowe,śliczne fotki z Destinee i Paris z Moskwy! :D

Plus parę naprawdę przyzwoitej jakości filmików z jednego z występów w Rosji:
Fly Away i Heart of emine



I (nareszcie!) jakiś filmik,na którym słychać "Heart Of Mine":

Pożegnanie z fanami :)

piątek, 23 września 2011

Filmiki z show w St. Petersburgu!

Dziewczyny tańczą do Party Rock Anthem:

True Love:

Fly Away:

Rolling in the deep

Jak wam się podobają nowe stroje sceniczne dziewczyn?
I jeszcze jedno pytanie,czy ktoś z was wybiera się na jakiś z koncertów Britney i Destinee&Paris? Np. ten na Ukrainie lub jakiś inny??

czwartek, 8 września 2011

2 wywiady dla Cambio

Pojawiły się 2 wywiady.. pierwszy z nich nie jest zbyt ciekawy, a dziewczyny mówią w nim o...Joe Jonasie

Natomiast drugi wywiad moim zdaniem jest ŚWIETNY  - jest to wideo z prób do trasy, a jednocześnie DP opowiadają parę rzeczy o swoim dzieciństwie i nie tylko, a także w filmiku widać około 3 krótkich filmików, na których widac malutkie Paris i Destinee!! :D Koniecznie oglądnijcie:

Parę nowych zdjęć z wystepów z Britney

Przeczytajcie bardzo ciekawe sprawozdanie z jednego z tych koncertów (z Grand Rapids) TUTAJ. Naprawdę zachęcam!! :D

Krótki artykuł o DP na AOL

Most people would love the chance to perform with their favorite musician, and that wish came true for singing duo Destinee & Paris, who hit the road alongside their idol Britney Spears opening on her Femme Fatale tour this summer.

The teenaged sisters will head back out with Spears for the European leg of the show next month, and admitted to being in awe of the singer's work ethic. "[We've learned] to have the eye of the tiger on stage," Destinee told AOL Music. "Every single song she does she just hits it, and she's just amazing. She always looks like she's having just the best time. We watched the show every night. We can't get enough, she's amazing!"

The twosome recently released the video for their new single 'True Love,' which has already received over 250,000 views on YouTube. "It's all about the beach," Paris added. "We are on the beach and we go into this dream and it's our version of a beach party. It's like in Madonna's video 'Vogue,' when you have all the different people doing different sorts of poses, and then you see us and we're on the sand and in front of this amazing background, it's awesome."

Destinee & Paris will head out with Spears starting Oct. 16. The tour will also feature singer Joe Jonas.