środa, 1 stycznia 2014

BREAKING NEWS: Destinee&Paris przestają być zespołem! - listy od dziewczyn

WRESZCIE,po ponad 2 latach pojawiło się coś godnego publikowania... Aczkolwiek dość szokującego. Wczoraj Destinee I paris opublikowały swoje noworoczne listy do fanów, w ktorych informują, ze zespoł znany nam jako Destinee&Paris rozpada się... dziewczyny mają nadzije kontynuować swoje kariery jako solo artystki. Teraz staje się jasne, dlaczego przez tyle lat nic nie powiedziały.. wyjaśniają, ze legalne sprawy trzymały je cicho. Przeczytajcie:

OPEN LETTER. Unfortunately I don't have a slideshow, or a story, or too many incredible memories for 2013 like you would expect a 17 year old to have. The past 2 years have been difficult but it has allowed me to grow within my own mind and realize who I am and why I'm here in the first place. Yes I always put on a front because that's the kind of person I am. I'll always smile even if I'm broken on the inside. I've smiled and laughed through a lot of pain and confusion, but it has been a season I believe God has allowed me to experience to build character. I feel like I've been in a cocoon, isolated for quite some time. The wisdom, knowledge, and fearlessness that I'm stepping into in a new year with makes me feel truly unstoppable. People always ask me, "what happened?" "What are you up to?" "Are you still singing?" "Did you quit?" It honestly makes me cringe, because I can't be honest and I hate the fact that I'm perceived as being unmotivated or just lazy. Luckily, I don't have to explain myself and I don't need to talk about negativity or the past. I'm moving forward with my life and I can't wait to talk about the plans I have for 2014 with some very prominent people. I only have 1 life to live, and from this moment forward I'm doing me, and doing what I love to do. I am an entertainer, an artist, and an entrepreneur. Even though no one else but God & I know it. I have seen SO MANY people's true colors. It's funny how when you're at a high point people are right there with you but as soon as you drop they disappear. So happy I've seen this first hand so when I start working again, I know who's really for me as a human being. Going into 2014 with a whole new prospective, not a new person because that's so cliche. By next year I will have many experiences, exciting thrills, and accomplishments to talk about but until then with tears dripping on my phone, Happy New Year and may God lead you to your destiny and perfect path in his timing. Look out for Paris Monroe... The solo artist!

As we come to the end of 2013 and I look back on everything that I have accomplished in the past several years, it really amazes me how far God has brought me not only as an artist but as a human being. My sister and I have had our ups and downs, our peaks, our struggles, our fun, our doubts, good days, bad days and just all around a crazy life. At the end of the day we will always stick together no matter what obstacle gets thrown our way and love and support one another. These past couple years have been really difficult and yes it may seem like we haven’t done much but if there is one thing I have really learned to be in 2013, it’s to be patient. Patience is a virtue and good things come to those who wait. Paris and I have been waiting a good year to tell everyone that we will not be continuing as a group. It’s not a bad thing at all! We both on the same day came to each other and expressed the same desires in our hearts to become solo artists. We both agreed that it would be for the best and the healthy thing for us to do to grow as individuals and find our own voice in this industry. It’s been hard because we haven’t been able to let anyone know and voice our struggles about what we are going through legally to friends, family and fans, one because we didn’t want to bring anybody down (misery loves company) and two, legally we were obligated to keep our mouths shut. We have really isolated ourselves from anything and anyone because we have been burned so many times by the ones who we thought we could put our trust in and confide in, even family members and people who we have been friends with for a very very long time. God has definitely lifted the veil off of my eyes to help me see who is really for me and who’s really against me. I’ve always been one to believe the best in people but after going through what my sister and I have been through for the past couple years, it’s really hard to let anybody in. I felt the need to share this with friends, family and our ever so faithful fans who have been with us since the beginning of our careers. I am letting you in and having faith and hope that you will support and be for me as I will be for you. So with that said, I am looking forward to this New Year and the future Destinee Monroe. Where I'm going to be, what I’m going to do, how I will grow, laugh, love, succeed and just let the purpose that I know I am called for flourish and be everything that I know it will be and more. I’m so grateful for the team that God is building around me that shares my same vision, to allow me to be who I was called to be and not an industry puppet. I promise you, it will be worth the wait. Wishing all of you a happy New Year and that all of your dreams and desires get fulfilled to the fullest. Now let’s do this #2014!

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